Remember One Dream - Earth Day Challenge
Today's Earth Day Challenge involves a little time. Before you go to bed, put a notepad or journal or even an iPhone by your bed. When you wake up, try to remember just one dream!
You get bonus points if you can remember more than one dream.
When you've remembered your dream, chime in to let us know you've achieved the challenge!
This room is at the Poseiden Undersea Resort in Fiji. What a dream location :).
If you want an even better challenge, some of us will be exploring dream journaling for the entire week. Whether you choose to do one day, a few days of exploring ideas, or a full week overhaul, we'd love to have you join us!
We've got you covered, whatever social networking system you enjoy using:
BellaOnline Forum - Remember One Dream Challenge
Facebook - Remember One Dream Challenge
Twitter - Remember One Dream Challenge
Google+ - Remember One Dream Challenge
Pinterest - Remember One Dream Challenge
Post in any of those links with questions, comments, and suggestions! We'd love to hear from you!
Here are some details to help you out:
Dream Tips and Suggestions
How to Remember Dreams
Working With your Dreams
Earth Day Challenge - Main Page
Join us in our challenges to improve your nutrition, help our environment, reduce stress, and get fun tips and brainstorming ideas for green living!
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