cacti Feature Archive of Articles

This listing shows you every single article in the Cacti and Succulents Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Aloes - an introduction
Mother of Thousands
Jade Plant
Hardy Succulents - Book Review
Containers for Succulents
Propagating Cacti
Portulacaria afra
Crown of Thorns
Aeoniums - Basic Characteristics
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Aloes - an introduction
The beautiful aloe plant is commonly used as a medicinal plant. HereĀ“s the lowdown on this easy to grow succulent.
Mother of Thousands
Some plants are so strange looking they just beg to be taken home. Mother of Thousands is one of those plants. But be careful where you put it, or you may have thousands of plants!
Jade Plant
Jade plants are grown in homes around the globe. Even if you have a black thumb, you may find success with this plant.
Hardy Succulents - Book Review
If you live in a colder climate, don't give up on growing succulents. This book details the many succulents the author successfully grows in Colorado. Some can even survive zone three temperatures.
Containers for Succulents
Many people grow cacti and succulents in containers. Almost anything can be a succulent container if it has the right qualities.
Propagating Cacti
Starting new cacti from the plants you already have is fun and inexpensive. Try seeds or cuttings - or both.
Portulacaria afra
Do you need a tall plant to balance out your collection of low-growing succulents? The elephant bush may be just what you're looking for. It needs very little care and can take sun or shade.
"Semper" means always in Latin. "Vivum" is living. Do they Sempervivums forever? No, but they can survive cold weather while adding color to your succulent garden.
Crown of Thorns
Crown of thorns, or Euphorbia milli, looks like a cactus - but it's not. This easy to grow plant does well in containers and in the ground.
Aeoniums - Basic Characteristics
Aeoniums come in such a wide range of colors that they make striking additions to container gardens or warm-climate landscapes. What are these plants, and how do they differ from the look-alike Echeverias?
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