frugalliving Feature Archive of Articles

This listing shows you every single article in the Frugal Living Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Make Cheap Houseplants - Dividing & Rooting
Get Free Supplies for Moving
Home Cleaning WIth Food - Multipurpose Supplies
Free Wall Art - Use Travel Maps for Home Decor
Review - Netgear NeoTV Streaming Player
Costa Rica Frugal Travel Book
Belkin Power Switch Review
Happier At Home - book review
Time to Shine - Solar Book Review
What to Expect at the Food Bank
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Make Cheap Houseplants - Dividing & Rooting
Get more houseplants for free from other houseplants! This article discusses dividing dracaenas and rooting pothos - two exceptionally easy plants to propogate and grow.
Get Free Supplies for Moving
Plan ahead and save up your own packing supplies to save a big line item from your moving budget. There's more to do than just asking your grocery store for fruit boxes!
Home Cleaning WIth Food - Multipurpose Supplies
Use your food stamps, or rummage around the pantry, to find these multipurpose food products that also clean up around the house.
Free Wall Art - Use Travel Maps for Home Decor
Maps from visitor centers and travel agencies are often 100% free, and make great, attractive, and very interesting wall hangings. Find out where to get free maps.
Review - Netgear NeoTV Streaming Player
I recently found a review copy of the Netgear NeoTV Streaming Player NTV300 - and it's a great way to watch almost anything you want on your actual television, without having any cable or even a computer. All you need is internet access.
Costa Rica Frugal Travel Book
I got the chance to review this great Lonely Planets Guide book about Costa Rica, and now I want to go. This book is aimed at the budget adventure traveler.
Belkin Power Switch Review
Review of a simple, fantastic grounded power plug to use in any wall plug or power strip to save electricity.
Happier At Home - book review
How to be happier where you are, with what you have. My review of Gretchen Rubin's second happiness project.
Time to Shine - Solar Book Review
This isn't the best book for frugalists or homesteaders in general. It's about solar energy, but is more of a short technical textbook than a how-to on saving money through solar energy.
What to Expect at the Food Bank
Don't be nervous about entering a food bank for the first time. It's okay to be new to it, and no one there is going to judge you for needing help. What to expect when you visit a food pantry.
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