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Father's Day - Remembering My Father
My Father. No matter what I said I was going to do, daddy never said, "you can't", he always said, "how you gonna do that?"

Do Unto Others And Other Momism's
Remember the things your mom used to say again and again? I think of them as part of every mothers mantra; a momtra perhaps? Some of these momisms were funny, some we did not understand and some were simply ignored because we knew she would not really do that to us. Skin me alive? No way.

Reading to Relax
Generally "getting a little R&R" means rest and relaxation, but it can also mean reading and relaxation. Reading an enjoyable novel in the evening or at night before to go to bed can take your mind away from the frustrations of the day.

Yard Sales
Yard sales serve several purposes, first and second in no particular order they help to get rid of clutter and to make money. They can be energizing, if you sell just a few items you are ahead of where you were before the sale and that can give positive energy.

Give Your Home Business The Green Light To Grow
Do you get up in the morning at a certain time to get ready for work, even though you are working in your home office? Or do you straggle out of bed anytime the mood hits you, then work most of the day in pajamas?

Creating Harmony In The Workplace
Working a 9 to 5 can be more than be financially rewarding, it can be intellectually stimulating as well. However, there are bound to be those days when you wonder why you subject yourself to suffering work problems, bad manners and bad attitudes.

Family Matters
Much has changed since we were children, the pace of ours lives has picked up to a jogging sprint and it seems that technology has exploded, or has it simply run amok?

Stop Being Dumped On At Work
Do you feel like you are being dumped on at work? If your answer is yes, it may be time to stop knowing all of the answers.

Harvard Beet Salad - A Child Friendly Recipe
I think your family will like this easy beet salad recipe. If you can get your children to try it, I suspect they will like it as well. You may have to remove the onions though.

Teach Children To Their Solve Problems
Problem-solving is a skill that's applicable to all facets of your children's lives--from school work to relationships. Problem's lurk everywhere, how do you solve them?

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