
7 Tomato Recipe Ideas
Tomatoes are very interesting fruits. They lend themselves to both sweet and savory dishes. Whether you're in the mood for something cold or hot, tomatoes fit the bill. Here are 7 great ideas that'll bring life to your tomato presentations.
Avocado Tomatillo Soup
I love avocados and I love tomatillos; and what better way to eat them than in a mouthwatering soup, gazpacho-style! In this recipe I'm going to walk you through my simple steps to making a soup that's second to none and bursting with flavor.
Baba Ghanoush Recipe - How To Make Baba Ghanoush
I've always loved the flavors of tender eggplants seasoned to their peak of perfection. They're versatile, lend themselves to earthy, smokey flavors and they go well with a lot of dishes. Here's my simple recipe for a dish I fell in love with the first time I tasted it years ago, babaghanoush.
Baby Greens Salad Recipe
Baby greens are awesome! They're delicate, yet crisp, refreshing and tasty all at once. But what do you do with them? How do you make them into more than an average salad? One that has the pop and zing of a succulent, satisfying, full course meal. It's easy, fast and fun. Here's how you do it.
Basic Nut and Seed Paste Recipe
As a vegetarian and chef I'm always wanting to push the envelope and experiment with flavorful components combined in new and innovative ways. I do this having my basic bases covered. For this entry I'll share a simple recipe for nut and seed pastes you can apply to many tasty things.
Basic Tomato Sauce Recipe
Packed full of lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and other heart and health protecting phyto-nutrients, tomatoes are a tasty way to promote and boost your health and well being. Here's one of the ways I use them to make my basic no-measure, tomato sauce.
Black Eyed Pea Fritters Setup Process
Beans are loaded with flavor and a bunch of nutrients, but have you ever thought of all the ways you can use them? Today I'm going to walk you through the setup process of making one of my favorite vegetarian, West African bean dishes. It's called Akkras. It's fun, versatile & tastefully filling.
Black Eyed Peas Fritter Recipe
Black eyed peas are versatile, flavorful and global. They're used in everything from soups, stews and salads to fritters. Akkras is the name of a Nigerian black eyed pea fritter, one that we’re fond of in my household; and it’s the recipe I’m going to walk you through today.
Black Eyed Peas Recipe
Here is a simple, low calorie, fat free black eye pea recipe that I'm sure you'll love. Or at the very least it'll give you a great foundation to build upon while creating a black eyed pea dish you'll love.
Braised Peanut Tomato Stew
Peanuts are a treasure trove of protein and flavor, but we don’t often see them as main course meals. We see them as peanut butter, peanut sauce or the traditional roasted and salted snack with its variations. In this article I will teach you a very simple peanut dish that’ll knock your socks off.
Coconut Chapati Recipe
Coconut chapati is always a welcome guest in my house. It's rich and buttery with a little West Indian flair. I came up with this simple recipe after my wife taught me how they do chapati in her part of the world. Keep it real and push the cultural envelope with this layered flat bread recipe.
Coconut Curry Sauce Recipe
Curry sauces come in many forms, flavors, influences and presentations. I'm fond of them and have my own twist. If you're in the mood for a creamy, spicy, succulent sauce, that'll go with dishes sweet to savory, read on.
Cornmeal Pap Recipe
Cornmeal pap is one of my all time favorite breakfast meals. It's rich & creamy, healthy and filling. My grandma made it for me first and I've been hooked ever since. Although I make mine slightly different than hers, the spirit of it remains in tact. Here's how I do it.
Cranberry Apricot Smokey Glazed Veggie Meatballs
There's something about smoke and glaze that is a welcome combination for all holiday get togethers. Vegetarian meatballs are a wonderful treat anytime of year, but during the holiday season you can really dress them up and not be accused of showing off. Behold... the best guarded meatball tips.
Curried Tofu & Veggies Recipe
It's been said that tofu can be whatever you make it. This is a statement that, thus far, I've found to be true. Discover, in this 3 part process, how to make a curried tofu that's simple, quick, travels well and packs a true punch in the full-bodied flavor department.
From the understated minimalistic displays to presentations fit for palaces this desserts section is for all healthy vegetarian dessert recipes.
Easy Pickled Cabbage Recipe
Pickled cabbage is an awesome side dish, great for spicy and savory dishes and a tasty component to add to pretty much any meaty sandwich. Here’s my easy to make, healthy recipe that’ll deliver massive flavor and bring more life to your meals.
Easy Smoky Red Bean Recipe
Red beans should taste great every time you fix them! Today you're going to learn an easy method of making phenomenal red beans that have a smoky bite to them and a lure that you won't be able to resist.
Easy Vegetarian Whole Pea Soup Recipe
I'm a real fan of peas. I love the texture and the aroma. This series of EASY vegetarian recipes make me feel a little guilty [they're too easy], but this turn key approach packs so much flavor that you may never go back to your old soup making methods again. I mean, why bother?
Forbidden Rice Recipe
The atmosphere in our house pleasantly shifted with the aromatic perfume of mellow smokiness and savory flavor. It was after I started cooking the forbidden rice. Our palates were whetted and our interests piqued waiting for our bowl of this new rice to be plated.
Fresh Herb and Macadamia Nut Salad
In my family we're livelong, as opposed to 'die hard', salad eaters and smoothie drinkers. A while back my wife and I wanted to a nice hefty salad that ate closer to a meal. It had to be packed with flavor, color and a lot of inviting aroma. We succeeded and here's what we did.
Glazed Pumpkin Butternut Squash Lasagna - Recipe
Lasagna can be as versatile as is the food on the planet. Why not dress it up for your holiday season?
In keeping with the Thanksgiving theme I've replaced the noodles with glazed pumpkin and butternut squash and added a few other ingredients that would satisfy even the most die-hard meat eaters.
Gluten-Free Breakfast Sloppy Joe's
I've always been a fan of Sloppy Joe's ever since I was a kid and my Aunt introduced it to me and my cousins on one of our summer family outings. I always like to relive those dishes with vegetarian ingredients and, of course, my own twist. Here's my take on it.
Gourmet Coleslaw Recipe - Tangy
Who says coleslaw has to be average? It doesn't! Coleslaw can be made in many different ways to make lasting, delicious impressions to keep you and your guests satisfied. Here's an easy variation with a basic recipe to go with it.
Gourmet Tabouleh Recipe
I’m one for evolution in the pot; and although I believe in maintaining the traditions of a dish the flip side of me is equally given to fusing worlds in the culinary lineage. My wife and I catered a party where they asked us for something interesting, middle eastern, but unique. Here’s what I did.
Greens Shredded & Glazed with Tofu
Whether for Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other time of the year, greens are amazingly versatile. They´re flavorful, resilient, make a great presentation and most importantly they´re nutrient dense. Discover the keys to transform your basic greens dish into a culinary masterpiece.
Groundnut Stew Recipe - Basic
Groundnut stew is a richly satisfying meal. It's packed full of nutrients and protein, flavor, culture and will always have you come back for more. I like it when I want an international twist to my vegetarian dishes. Here's my take on an African favorite.
Honey Spiced Brazil Nut and Raisin Snack Recipe
Brazil nuts are an interesting, somewhat mysterious nut. We see almonds, pistachios, pecans and walnuts used on a more regular basis, but brazil nuts? Curiosity got the best of me and I saw that there are a ton of brazil nut recipes online and here's one of mine.
How To Infuse Coconut Oil
Not long ago coconut oil was used in everyday cooking. It's a very healthy oil and considered to be a 'low calorie' fat. Saturated-yes, dangerous-absolutely not! in this article you will learn how to incorporated coconut oil into your cooking in a very flavorful way.
How To Make an Easy Vegetarian Breakfast
Wondering what to do for a healthy fast vegetarian breakfast? Think no more! Use this series of recipes & practical, 'how-to' information to tantalize your tastebuds and get you on the right track to healthy, tasty, vegetarian meals.
How To Make Gourmet Cranberry Sauce - Recipes
Thanksgiving and Christmas are times of sharing and reflection. When I think of the holiday season I think of the only time of year when foods appear that you just can´t get any other time. In line with creating memories worth keeping I´m going to share with you some cranberry sauce recipes.
How To Make Tomato Paste
I love shortcuts! The convenience, the accessibility, and the speed are always attractive; however, I've never been a big fan of the health sacrifices of pre-packaged foods. Here's my recipe for fresh and healthy tomato paste.
Kalijira Coconut Rice
As a vegetarian you always have to try new things to keep yourself from getting into a rut. I took a chance on a new type of rice from Bengal; and to my enjoyment found another new vegetarian food favorite. It's called Kalijira Rice and here's what I did with it.
Millet Ginger Porridge
Millet's around 11% protein by weight, high in fibre, has a nutty, buttery flavor, is versatile [being able to easily go from sweet to savory and be paired with everything from breakfast through dinner] and it tastes great! Here's one of the ways I use millet when I'm making porridge.
Papaya Smoothie Recipe
Papaya is a great fruit to have on hand. It's high in vitamins A, C, Folate and E and easy to incorporate into your diet with a little creativity. Here's a recipe that'll put the spice back in your life.
Pepper Poppers
Have you ever just wanted a taste of something without having to make it a full on meal? Every now and then my wife and I will go for something like that. A taste of this, with a side of that and before we know it we're full having had a flavor experience that's second to none. Try this recipe!
Pineapple Mango Sauce
The other day I had a hankering for something new; something sweet, savory, smoky, and tangy all at once. Armed with a skillet, pineapple and mango chunks and a healthy appetite, this is what I did.
Pumpkin Seed Smoothie Recipe
We may have all been to the shopping centers or to the occasional Jamba Juice where there's a whole selection of smoothies to choose from; but do you know how to make your own? I'm talking massive flavor AND incredible nutrition. Here's one that'll knock your socks off.
Quinoa Recipe : How To Make it Taste Good
Quinoa is an amazing “grain” with so much value and potential, but what is it really? And more importantly… What do you do with it? This simple how to approach will cover one of the many techniques you can use to transform this nutritional grainy mystery into your next best favorite meal.
Red Lentil Stew Recipe
I'm partial to red lentils. I have a lot of fun with them and find them to be incredibly easy to work with. There's nothing like a savory, rich and thick bowl of red lentil stew, especially on a chilly day. Here's one of the many ways you can use to prepare them.
Roasted Tomato and Tofu Stuffed Bell Peppers
Preparing roasted tomato and tofu stuffed bell peppers is a great way to welcome hungry guests. My wife and I love entertaining. We recently had the pleasure of cooking for some of our best friends visiting for the weekend. Here's what we did and how we pulled it all off.
Savory Cous Cous Recipe
Cous Cous is a tasty, fast food staple that offers convenience and versatility to not only stretch a meal, but to also an ethnic twist to it. Here's my way of taking cous cous to a whole new level to bring it into your main course's spotlight.
Shortcuts : Garlic Spread & Bread Pre-Prep
There's something about garlic that you've gotta love. From pastas, sauces, breads, spreads and everything in between an infusion of garlic can make an ordinary meal extraordinary. Here's a simple mouthwatering recipe for you garlic lovers that'll pick up almost every dish that calls for garlic.
Side Dishes
Side dishes are the accessories of a good meal. Develop your culinary fashion sense and make your meals almost too pretty to eat.
Soup, Starters & Salads
All good races begin with a great start. So it is with a well balanced vegetarian meal. Learn to create great starts and greater finishes using these principles.
Spicy Smoky Salsa Recipe
I just visited with family over the weekend, where we all flexed our culinary muscles and turned out some great food. One of the things I created was a spicy, smoky salsa. It's very simple and quite addictive. Here's how I did it.
Strawberry Apricot Limed Cranberry Sauce
I love cranberry sauce; and at this time of year, I say the more varieties the merrier! Here's a new tried and true twist on your traditional cranberry sauce that'll perk up your food festivities.
Sweet and Sour Glazed Tarragon Carrots
Carrots have a great source of fibre as well, by adding them to your eating regimen you help support your digestive system and your body’s ability to fight off infection. if you're nt the biggest fan of carrots, you might find that this recipe will change the way you think of them.
Tailgate Party Recipes - 7 Layer Dip - Vegetarian
Tailgate parties are always one of the best ways to get down to good cooking. It's perfect for snack food, stews, chowders, barbeque,
finger foods like buffalo wings, pepper poppers, hush puppies and the like. I'm going to show you how I make my 7 layer dip. It's sure to knock your socks off!
Tax Relief Tortilla Soup
Tax time can be a real challenge! you've got your accountants on one end pulling atg you for your receipts and maybe a hungry mob looking for value on the table. Here's a waay to get massive flavor at a fraction of the time and cost.
Thanksgiving Fruit Cider Recipe - Apple
Nothing says the holidays quite like a fruit cider. Whether it be fruit, berry, root or the endless combinations thereof, these ciders all have one thing in common making them versatile, timely and incredibly enjoyable... Let's talk about how to build your most memorable cider.
Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Crumble
Thanksgiving is a great time for families to get together, break bread and reflect on all the things to be thankful for. The food of the day should be simple and plentiful. Here's my take on sweet potato simplicity, in a tasty way.
Tofu Spinach Stew
Although it may sound kind of regular vegetarian farish, but trust me, my take on these simple sound ingredients will knock your socks off! Full of vibrant color and flavor this dish will have you coming back for more again and again.
Tofu Stuffed Zucchini Recipe
Zucchini brings back fond memories for me. I've probably had it in every form from sauteed to breaded and fried, in pies and cakes and raw, shredded and marinated. Today I'm going to teach you one of my favorite ways to stuff it, with tofu.
Vegetarian Coconut Cream Sauce
I love great sauces and I use them in my dishes extensively. Today I wanted to show you how I make one of my simple Alfredo-style sauces using a few simple ingredients. Trust me... this vegetarian sauce has a lot of directions you can bend it in to deliver major high-end culinary results!
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